Cancellation of Conjoint Diploma Conferment Ceremony and Annual Dinner 2020Date : 5 June 2020
Dear Fellows and Members,
Cancellation of Conjoint Diploma Conferment Ceremony and Annual Dinner 2020
As the world is now shrouded by the COVID-19 pandemic, the College had a thorough discussion with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and made a tough call to cancel the RCSEd/CSHK Conjoint Diploma Conferment Ceremony and Annual Dinner on 19 September 2020 (Saturday) with the safety of our guests as key priorities.
The tentative date for the RCSEd/CSHK Conjoint Diploma Conferment Ceremony next year is 11 September 2021 (Saturday) and will accommodate diplomates and awardees from both Colleges in these 2 years.
Another flagship event of the College, the RCSEd/CSHK Conjoint Scientific Congress 2020, is also under the impacts of COVID-19. We will organize a virtual meeting this year to retain an education and academic exchange platform for our Fellows and Members, details of which will be announced by our Scientific Committee soon. We are confident that the programme of this first-ever virtual Scientific Meeting in the College history will be as resourceful and diverse as usual.
The pandemic situation of Hong Kong has recently eased but it is not the time to slacken or let our guard down. We appreciate your continuous support to the College and the community. Please stay safe and well.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Heng-tat LEONGPresident
The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong