Call for Application of First Fellows of the Specialty of Vascular SurgeryDate : 25 August 2021
Dear General Surgery Fellows,
Call for Application of First Fellows of the Specialty of Vascular Surgery
I take great pleasure to inform you that the specialty of Vascular Surgery is formally formed under the College in July 2021 with the endorsement from the College Council, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and Medical Council.
The College would like to call for applications from General Surgery Fellows interested in being accredited as First Fellows in the specialty of Vascular Surgery. The minimal requirements for practicing vascular surgeons to be admitted as a First Fellow under the Vascular Surgery Board are as follows:
• Possession of a FHKAM (or equivalent certification)
• Have an active practice of at least 50% in Vascular Surgery
• Have at least six years of proven good practice in Vascular Surgery
Since the Medical Council of Hong Kong only permits the declaration of ONE specialty in clinical practice, you are only allowed to declare ONE specialty under the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong. All subsequent specialty fellowships will be granted by examinations set by the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong after the closure of First Fellows admission. Future trainees are required to undergo and pass the 4-year RCSEd/CSHK Training Programme and JSF Examination in Vascular Surgery for award of Fellowship of the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong in Vascular Surgery.
The First Fellows Application Form is attached. Interested Fellows please submit the following via email shawnyip@cshk.org on or before 15th November 2021:
1. The First Fellows Application Form (which should be duly signed);
2. Logbook
3. A brief curriculum vitae highlighting your relevant specialty experience;
All applications will be assessed by a Specialist panel.
You are invited to read the attached Annex 1 on “Frequently asked questions on the specialty of Vascular Surgery” and Annex 2 on “Guidelines for Admission of First Fellows in Vascular Surgery”
Should there be any queries, please feel free to contact Mr Shawn YIP, Executive Officer I on 2871-8757 or shawnyip@cshk.org or Mr Ki LAM, Executive Officer on 2871-8754 or kilam@cshk.org.
Yours faithfully,
Prof. Stephen Wing-keung CHENG
Chairman of the Preparatory Committeefor Vascular Surgery Board