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  • Principles/Guidelines of Commercial Elements in CME Activities

    Date : 10/01/2024

    Dear Fellows and CME activity organizers,

    A new set of Principles / Guidelines for CMECPD Accreditation of Commercial Involvement in CME Activities has been developed under the CSHK Principles and Guidelines on CME and CPD in order to ensure that CME-accredited activities by the College are impartial and grounded in evidence when it comes to commercial involvement.

    The above-mentioned guidelines are applicable to all applications for activities seeking CME accreditation starting on October 1, 2023. Appendix 2 is enclosed herewith for your kind reference.

    Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Fever Wan at 2871 8798 or by email at gabriello@cshk.org.

    Yours sincerely,
    College secretariat